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4.0 ( 7280 ratings )
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Utvecklare: Photo Perfect App

InstaRateMe app, is a free app for reviewers to use when they are rating and recommending a service provider. Our app covers the entire Real Estate industry. Title Companies, Escrow Companies, Mortgage Companies and more to come, such as Home Repair, Heating and Air conditioning, Plumbing, etc.

InstaRateMe App is a secure rating and review system that allows for recommendations and reviews to be submitted by verified reviewers submitting a negative review.
Non-authenticated positive or neutral reviews are also allowed to be submitted.

Reviews can be a Voice, Video or Typed messages and an available Tap-n-Go text reviews.
Since the reviews can be Voice, Video, Picture and word, the app requests users to agree and consent to allow app accessing camera and picture library to either record or upload any existing content as part of review.

Authenticated and non-authenticated positive reviews will go live instantly while non-authenticated are allowed to be deleted by the reviewed professional.

Non-authenticated negative reviews will be held from posting, for 7 days, before going live. During the 7 day period, the reviewed professional has a chance to reach out to the reviewer directly, from within the app and send a “rebuttal/response” message. The reviewed professional will provide their feedback, to request the negative review be rescinded.
The reviewer will receive a text message with video from the professional, will have an easy ability to Agree or Disagree, by clicking their choice, resulting in removal of the negative rating or keep negating review, with posting happening instantly.
All negative reviews will be removed from app after 90 days from the date submitted. This allows a fair and healthy environment for both sides of the review process.

Professionals will be able to register directly inside the app and be included to the industry of their choice and be listed in the app. The launch period of the app will have no fee collected from the professionals that register. We reserve the right to ask for subscription payment at the time of our choice.